NOISE’s inaugural EP, “Not Until Tomorrow Night,” emerges as a dazzling entrant in the indie rock milieu, flaunting the ensemble’s cerebral artistry, innate flair, and extraordinary auditory style. Comprising six songs, each emanates its distinct essence, weaving together to orchestrate a captivating auditory odyssey.

Initiating the EP is “Victor,” a composition bathed in acclamation for its brisk indie rock guitars and intriguing rhythmic shifts. Its meticulous lyrical landscape and thematic exploration elevate NOISE beyond the conventional, enriching the EP with profound storytelling intertwined with philosophical and cultural nuances, making the entire compilation profoundly absorbing.

Succeeding “Victor” is “One Year,” an ode adorned with leisurely, romantic guitar strumming. Intriguingly, “Take Me (Back To)” incorporates an excerpt from the 1950s cinematic piece, ‘Rear Window,’ infusing a subtly mysterious aura. With tracks like “One Day at a Time (Part 1)” that captivates with its spirited guitars and immersive melody, and “Waltz,” resonating with emotional intensity and commanding guitar performances, the EP seamlessly navigates to its conclusion with “One Day at a Time (Part 2),” marked by authentic guitar sounds interspersed with fascinating cinematic fragments.

The EP, bathed in the warmth of classic indie nuances, orchestrates a symphony of vocals and guitars that reverberate with familiarity and charm. A reflective ambience permeates the compilation, complemented by its lyrical brilliance and quintessential indie reverberations. Unique elements such as snippets from a Jimmy Stewart movie enrich the EP, sewing in a thread of nostalgia.

A fusion of traditional songwriting with nuanced guitar mastery characterizes the EP’s production. NOISE’s varied artistic renditions and compelling live renditions have cultivated a dedicated following. The musical arrangement breathes innovation and freshness, providing a foundation for Doleman’s enchanting vocal delivery. This minimalist design accentuates the EP’s remarkable composition, subtly interweaving elements of sonic creativity that imbue it with a unique persona. “Not Until Tomorrow Night” stands as a magnificent inception for NOISE, manifesting their creative prowess and enriching the musical arena with their refreshing presence. With every track unfolding a diverse musical tale, the EP shines as a canvas of the band’s compelling storytelling and rich cultural tapestry, heralding itself as an indispensable treasure for indie rock enthusiasts.