Hey! Can you share the inspiration behind “Let Your Light Shine” and how it reflects your journey?

A: Well, this tune is surely pretty personal and is related to a particular period of my life, but the inspiration came  to me from the finale of a tv series that i loved, the final monologue was focused on fighting to keep our flame alive.

What personal experiences or influences shaped the creation of “Let Your Light Shine”?

A: I think i replied already above on thin, because that monologue gave to me the inspiration for the concept of the track.

How do you believe “Let Your Light Shine” connects with your fans and new listeners?

A: I think everyone will have his personal journey listening this tune, but surely is something very sweet  and not sad, i think it s a song full of hope, difficult times happens to everyone but it is in these  moments that we have to remind  ourself what we wanna be and fight for it.

Could you discuss any specific challenges you faced while producing “Let Your Light Shine”?

A: Actually, the production of this track has been very smooth , indeed i composed it in a very short amount of time.2 days and the idea was totally finished.

How does “Let Your Light Shine” fit within the broader context of your music career?

A: I think it is one of the sweetest melody i never created and it will be surely included in the chill out music Ep that is going to be release in a few months(-may-june)

What message or feelings do you hope listeners take away from “Let Your Light Shine”?

A: As i said about, I think music is very personal and subjective, but i like that this song gives a reason to people,. especially those in difficulty,to never stop to believe in themselves.

Reflecting on your background, how have your past experiences contributed to your music style?

A: During my music studies I played many different type of music, but a characteristic of mine has always been be melodic,(something that is very easy to listen while i improvise on guitar, my first music instruments) and this is surely influenced the production of this song.

Are there any particular artists or genres that have influenced your work on this song?

A: I think music production by modern producers of very relaxing music , such as Petit biscuit, Gold Panda,Four Tet  influenced me on this track  quite a lot.

Looking ahead, do you have any upcoming projects or collaborations that fans can anticipate?

A: As Already anticipated, this song will be a part of a chill out music Ep that will be release in a few months, but I like to tell you as well, if you are into more classical music ,like neoclassical music,, I have just released an Ep of compositions for piano and strings quartet and a third one with another 5 compositions is going to be out by the end of the year.

How do you see your music evolving in the future, and what themes are you exploring next?

A: There is something that i m still missing and i really want to, make some music with voice as well and i hope to find a singer to collaborate with in order to create some music with lyrics as well, about themes i can t say it now cause my music production is connected to my life experience,so, let s say that topics will be the surprises , good or bad, that life has to offer me.