Rags and Riches, the musical duo that emerged in 2019, has been steadily amassing a devoted following. This online powerhouse not only crafts exceptional music but also captivates with their engaging, charismatic, and lighthearted Tik-Tok videos. Their latest offering, Boujee Broke, a five-song EP, left me initially pondering its meaning. For those, like me, in the dark, Business Insiders informs us that “Bougie broke” embodies a personal-finance trend advocating for living the high life on a modest budget.
The EP’s title track “Boujee Broke” is an exemplar of contemporary pop, replete with flair and pizzazz. Although it’s undeniably catchy, my personal preference leaned toward “Misbehave,” which exhibits a more rock-oriented sensibility. What became evident was the duo’s knack for seamlessly weaving references to cultural icons; within the first two tracks, I caught mentions of Beyonce and Margot Robbie.
“Smoothie” upholds their distinctive style, bearing a production that draws comparisons to the renowned duo Gorillaz. The track’s pulsating beats and intricate variations struck a chord with me. “Hello, Goodbye” offers an infectious chorus with a positivity reminiscent of MGMT. However, it was “Holiday” that truly struck a chord with me. This song encapsulates the yearning for escapism, evoking a desire to break free from the shackles of daily life, relationships and find a haven for unadulterated happiness. It’s a theme that resonates universally. In my estimation, Rags and Riches is poised to resonate primarily with a younger audience. This sentiment was palpable throughout my listening experience. The band is evidently onto something big, and I foresee their fan base expanding significantly in the near future.