John E Vistic’s EP “Humanz are Bastardz” is a magnificent blast of sonic energy that leaves a lasting impression. Released on November 10th, 2023, under the label Deafendling Records, this EP is a testament to Vistic’s unique brand of punk, rock n roll, and alt country, which has been described as ‘filthy’.

The EP is a raw, visceral, and vicious aural attack, with an existentialist theme taking inspiration from novelists Jared Diamond, Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, Karl Ove Knausgård, and Ian Dury. The EP follows the 2021 album ‘Under the Volcano’ and recent singles ‘Das Ubermensch’ and ‘Spiderz’, which received airplay on the BBC, Kerrang, and many others.

The title track, ‘Humanz are Bastardz’, is a full-on rock’n’roll assault with a scorching rhythm and ragged and overblown guitars, all of which are riddled with discord. It’s a damning indictment of modern society in many ways as John declares “we’re the picture of virtue in a cesspool of vice”, with its ferocious delivery giving added emphasis to its meaning.

The EP is full of impressive musical talent, slightly nostalgic sounds, and a style that truly grows on you. The EP concludes with the title track ‘Humanz Are Bastardz’, another stream of consciousness shared over a compelling aural presentation.

John E Vistic, a multi-instrumentalist and award-winning songwriter, is a well-known figure on the Bristol and international music scene. His live shows are known for their raucous rock and roll and unrelenting live performance. He has shared the stage with the likes of Mudhoney, The Sonics, Alabama 3, The Jim Jones Revue, and The Urban Voodoo Machine.

“Humanz are Bastardz” is a unique statement from John E Vistic, one that equally speaks to the dark side of human nature and pulls from the dark underbelly of rock and roll. It’s a well thought out presentation and a clever way to tempt those unfamiliar with this musician to give up a quarter of an hour and enjoy a brief taste of the flavor and the variety of this artist’s many talents.