Hi! ANTIBES is an intriguing name with a connection to the French Riviera. Can you tell us more about how the band was formed and the story behind choosing this name?

A: I had the chance to live on the French Riviera for a few months and I found that the landscape there visually represents the aesthetic I want to suggest with my music. That place feels beautifully dreamlike to me, I fell in love with it! When I came back to Italy and we started the band, it came natural to pick the name of the city I used to live in, Antibes.

Your music is described as a mix of avant/dream-pop and indie, influenced by artists like Radiohead, Jeff Buckley, and Cigarettes After Sex. How do these influences shape your music, particularly in your single “Naked”?

A: The songwriting mainly starts on the guitar and I grew up in awe of the guitar work of Radiohead and Jeff Buckley. Dreamy arpeggios have always been my thing. “Naked” is played on a ukulele but the concept still applies. In general, we like to combine the refined guitar-based songwriting of the artists mentioned above with the synth oriented pop of bands like Tame Impala, Beach House and Metronomy.

“Naked” is characterized by its mellow, dreamy quality. What is your songwriting process like, and how do you capture such an introspective and melancholic mood in your music?

A: I’ve always been naturally attracted to melancholic music. The guys at times jokingly make fun of me bringing in yet another nostalgic-sounding song…”Naked” and the other few songs we got so far have been entirely composed by me, but in the future it’s probably going to be more of a collaborative effort together with the very talented musicians I work with, Edo Carli, Luca Tommasi and Michele Gelmini.

“Naked” was home-recorded in Andre Ballini’s childhood house. How did this setting influence the recording process and the final sound of the track?

A: That place has seen a whole lot of music from my teenage years to now. It’s a small wooden shed in my parents’ garden, in the countryside. Isolated, no neighbours, a perfect place to lose yourself into creativity.

The song talks about dropping the “fake it till you make it” mentality and embracing vulnerability. Could you elaborate on the inspiration behind these themes and how they resonate with the band’s philosophy?

A: We are a bunch of introvert weirdos trying to get some recognition! Jokes apart (maybe), I believe the world tends to reward extravert, hyper-confident, hyper-talkative personalities, but many of us are just not that way, so we end up feeling inadequate and trying to fake those traits. Naked is a statement to say “I drop the mask, I am the way I am and it can be beautiful”. 

“Naked” was written on a ukulele and features synthesizers, bass, and drums. What led to these particular instrumental choices for this song?

A: Having studied the guitar for many years, creative ideas tend to come about less often on that instrument, because I know it too well. That’s why a few years ago I picked up the ukulele. I needed an instrument I could throw my fingers at in a less conscious, more intuitive way. And that’s pretty much how the initial idea for “Naked” came about. I then wanted to counterbalance the acoustic quality of the ukulele with some electronic sounds, hence the synths. Drums and bass complete the picture with the groove that kicks in after the first verse.

Since the release of “Naked,” what has been the most memorable feedback or response you’ve received from fans or critics?

A: Official answer. “Naked” being included in the rotation of AFX Radio London.

True answer: a young girl at a gig we played couldn’t stop crying the whole show, moved by “Naked” and other songs. The problem is she was working as a waitress at the venue…Rough work shift for her, but we got to see how powerful these songs can be. Oh and one of my best friends got a tattoo saying “Naked” because of the song (hi Anna!).

After the successful release of “Naked,” what are ANTIBES’ plans for future music releases? Are there any upcoming singles or an album in the works?

A: We got a few more singles that are pretty much ready and will be released in the next few months. Ideally, they’ll end up forming an EP. On top of that, there’s a whole lot more song ideas we’re looking forward to working on.

Are there any artists or bands you’re looking to collaborate with in the future? How do you plan to experiment with your music going forward?

A: Let’s dream crazy big for a moment…Apparently Jonny Greenwood of Radiohead owns a summer house in central Italy. At a gig in that area I met a guy who claims to be his neighbour, so there’s just two degrees of separation. Let’s just say having Jonny Greenwood play guitar on one of our songs would be insane! 

As a band, what are your long-term goals in the music industry? How do you envision your music evolving over the next few years?

A: Certainly starting to play gigs abroad, eventually organizing one or more European tours! Becoming an established recording act and connecting with many people all over the world through our recordings and live shows. Regarding the music itself, electronic experimentation is certainly a direction I see us going towards in the future.