Pretty Average’s debut EP “All I Wanted” emerges as a mesmerizing journey through the corridors of isolation and discontent, illuminated by the raw, emotive storytelling of co-songwriters Candy Bassas and Sergi Cabanes. Produced and engineered by Francisco Parisi, known for his work with Berlin’s Minimal Schlager, the EP showcases a profound sonic landscape that perfectly encapsulates the duo’s thematic visions. Parisi’s adept crafting melds Candy’s haunting vocals with Sergi’s jangly guitar leads, creating a sound that is as captivating as it is innovative.

The four-track collection marks a pivotal moment for Pretty Average, establishing them as a force to be reckoned with in the indie music scene. The collaboration with Parisi is not just a partnership but a symbiotic relationship that breathes life into the music, allowing the band’s unique qualities to shine through. This dynamic, along with the expert mastering by the legendary indie producer Kramer—whose resume includes work with Galaxie 500, Half Japanese, and Daniel Johnston—ensures that “All I Wanted” resonates with the depth and authenticity characteristic of indie legends.

Accompanying the auditory experience is a visual exploration of melancholy, courtesy of local photographer Dorje de Burgh. His candid captures of Berlin street culture complement the EP’s themes, adding layers of meaning to the already profound music. De Burgh’s ability to find beauty in the everyday mirrors the EP’s exploration of ethereal sadness, making the visual materials not just an addition but an integral part of the overall experience.

“All I Wanted” is an audacious statement of intent from Pretty Average. It’s a blend of introspective lyrics, compelling melodies, and aural landscapes that speak to the listener’s soul. With this release, Pretty Average doesn’t just introduce themselves to the world; they invite us into a realm of their own making, one where the beauty of melancholy is laid bare, explored, and celebrated. Their eagerness to deepen their creative relationship with Francisco Parisi promises even more innovative and emotionally charged music in the future, making this EP just the beginning of what’s sure to be an exciting journey.